• Zingen is onze passie !!

  • Zanglessen in Amsterdam

    Speel, ontdek en ontwikkel je vaardigheden als zanger(es)!

    Tijdens de lessen krijg je de tijd en de ruimte om de mogelijkheden van je eigen geluid te ontdekken en te vergroten.

    Je leert je bewust worden van je stem en het domein van de zang productie in verschillende muzikale stijlen (klassiek en populair) op een ontspannen, leuke en informatieve manier. Je leert de fysiologie van de stem, hoe je klankproductie werkt, hoe je de mechanismen van de ademhaling, het strottenhoofd, articulatie en resonatoren kunt controleren en de interpretatie van het zingen op een ontspannen, leuke en wetenschappelijke manier te beheersen

  • Kennismakingsles!

    Als je geïnteresseerd bent in privélessen zullen we eerst een vrijblijvende, ontspannen, informele en gratis eerste kennismakingsles van 20 minuten hebben. Je zult gevraagd worden een aantal oefeningen te zingen met de docent aan de piano. Tijdens de kennismakingsles hebben we de mogelijkheid om elkaar te leren kennen en de toekomstdromen en ambities te bespreken.


    Doe mee om samen te zingen !!

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    Beginners and Professionals


    10 lessons: 300€*

    -GROUP 1: WEDNESDAY 5-7pm (FULL)

    -GROUP 2: THURSDAY 6-7pm (FULL) 


    Beperkt aantal zitplaatsen tot 4 studenten per groep

    *9 group lessons + 1 performance group lesson within the quarter​

    Performance les: twee opties om te definiëren

    Lessen duren 1 uur ongeveer




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    Beginners and Professionals


    12 lessen: 660€ *

    4 lessen: 260€ **

    1 less: 70€


    *11 lessen + 1 performance group lesson in 3 maanden

    **4 lessen in a maand

    Lessen duren 1 uur ongeveer

    Performance les: twee opties om te definiëren



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    Kinder Privélessen​

    5- 9 jaar oud


    12 lessen: 520€*

    4 lessen: 220€*

    Alle prijzen zijn inclusief BTW

    *11 lessen + 1 performance group lesson in 3 maanden

    **4 lessen in a maand

    Performance les: twee opties om te definiëren

    Lessen duren 40 minuten ongeveer



  • Online Lessen

  • MIJN PUBLICATIES in wetenschappelijke tijdschriften

  • Wetenschappelijk lidmaatschap

    Universidad de Valladolid

    Valladolid University

    IASPM América Latina Asociación Internacional para el estudio de la música popular

    International Association

    of Popular Music 

    AAM Asociación Argentina de Musicología

    Asociación Argentina

    de Musicología


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    and Resources

    My method is based on 25 years of singing teaching experience and the research for the PhD thesis about singing learning processes.

    I have a scientific approach based on the last vocal and musicological researches.

    Our students are encouraged to develop and master their voice through their own unique personal journey without losing sight of the social and ludic aspects of music. Furthermore, the study of musical elements and related science knowledge are both used as tools of primary importance throughout the learning experience.

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    The Team

    Wij zijn er trots op eerste klas onderwijs te kunnen leveren. We zijn allemaal zeer ervaren in lesgeven en hebben uitgebreide persoonlijke ervaring in het optreden.


    Claudia Rolando

    (Gevorderde leerlinge)

    Susana Raya

    ((Beginners, Improvisation and vocal jazz)

    Beth Aggett

    (Beginners, kinderen, Improvisation and vocal jazz)

    Lucia Torchia

    (Performance teacher)

    Designer: Cecilia Scolaro

    More about the teachers

  • Events

    Claudia Rolando Singing Lessons

    Performance Lessons

    In the Performance Lesson the students work on the necessary skills to develop vocal and body techniques to perform and gain more confidence performing in front of an audience. We work on showmanship, microphone technique, and connecting with fellow musicians and audience members.

    Claudia Rolando Singing Lessons Group

    "Singing with the Pianist" is a 3 hours workshop where the students will work their classical singing arias and duets with Melina Marcos, Piano Accompanist Teacher from the Argentinian Nacional Conservatory of Music, specialized in Singers.

    Claudia Rolando Singing Lessons recording

    In this exclusive workshop for beginners and professionals you will have the experience of recording a song and learn the specific performance and vocal techniques for the recording process with Francisco Fernandez Novella, specialist in Sound Arts (University of Arts, Argentina)

    Susana Raya

    Impro Lab

    Do you want to develop your improvisation skills? The Impro Lab is a creative, fun and joyful way to explore the voice and all it’s possibilities, with the renowned teacher and singer Susana Raya (Conservatory of Amsterdam). For beginners and professionals!

    Claudia Rolando Singing Lessons Group

    Duet Meetings

    Join us for an afternoon of music-making to celebrate singing together! Bring your duet/trio songs (or any other song that you would like to sing) and something to drink/eat, and let's enjoy the music!!

    Claudia Rolando Singing Lessons Group


    Your audience may think it’s magic, but anyone who achieves outstanding performances has worked hard to do so. Before the Student's Concert we rehearse with the band.

    Claudia Rolando Singing Lessons Group

    Student's Concerts

    Once in the year students are encouraged to perform as part of the learning process. Performing is not mandatory, it is only a moment of learning and enjoying music with other musicians.

    Claudia Rolando Singing Lessons Group

    Music Celebrations

    Join us for an afternoon of music-making to celebrate the end of the year! Bring your Christmas songs (or any other song that you would like to sing) and something to drink/eat, and let's enjoy the music together!!


    Singing Lesson Gift

    Singing Lesson Gift

    70,00 €
    Surprise your loved one on that special occasion!!
    A Singing Lessons Gift Voucher will entitle the receiver to Singing Lessons at the Studio in Amsterdam (it can be also online)
    The lessons can be redeemed at any point during the two months following the order.
    Binnenkort beschikbaar
  • Reviews

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    "exploring your own voice possibilities"

    "Great teacher, really good empathizing with the students. She makes you feel comfortable while you are exploring your own voice possibilities under her expert guidance. Totally recommended!" 
    Matias Isolabella 

    "She makes abstract things be so comprehensible"


    "I attended to Claudia´s singing lessons for about two years and it was like "that day of the week you are longing for". She makes abstract things be so comprehensible. She helps you to understand your body sensations and she follows that particular process with an astounding accuracy. And the result of that is a great progress in your singing skills. Other than that, she is such a positive being she encourages you all the time and such a lovely person to have around" 
    Ana Gutiérrez

    "the keys to understand the singing process"

    "I started the courses with Claudia Rolando without knowing anything about singing. I can say she gave me, and still does, the keys to understand the singing process and develop the control of my body to sing as I wish. She is a wonderful teacher. She uses her knowledge of sound, music, rhythm, anatomy and a full attention to teach in a really efficient way. I am really happy and proud to be her student."
    Colline Lb

    "discovering something about yourself"

    "Everyone can learn how to sing" this is Claudia's approach and she will teach you how to listen to your body and understand it better in order to let it sing. And that will be a magical moment, like discovering something about yourself you didn't know. Whether you have professional aspirations or you are just looking for a different way to explore your capabilities, I highly recommend Claudia's singing lessons."
    Cecilia Scolaro

    "Complex concepts into easy ideas"

      "Great singing teacher. I learned a lot of things about singing technique with her. She turns abstract and complex concepts into easy and intuitive ideas, making the lessons so amused and enjoyable. Really recommended" 
    Inigo de Peque

    "discover unknown skills"

     "Claudia is not only an amazing singer, but also an excellent teacher. She helped me discover unknown skills and improve the ones I had. She also taught me that how to understand my instrument better. Highly recommendable" 
    Aida Pinillos

    "always cheerful and motivating"

     "Classes with Claudia are always fun and I learn a lot. She is always cheerful and motivating. Highly recommendable!" 
    Jeanette N

    "She loves what she does"

      "Cali is an amazing teacher. I was her student during almost two years and I can only say positive things about her lessons. She loves what she does, and makes you feel super comfortable"
    Florencia Zas Candia

    "Claudia helps you unlearn/learn/relearn"

    "Claudia makes singing easy, quite literally. Claudia helps you unlearn/learn/relearn what your voice can do quite naturally. She's full of energy, enthusiastic and is a well-rounded musician"
    Duane Mattos

    "patient, upbeat and knowledgeable"

    "Great teacher: patient, upbeat and knowledgeable! thoroughly enjoyed my classes with Caly! Excelente profesora: paciente, alentadora y con amplios conocimientos! Me encantaron mis clases con Caly!"
    Veronica Bustin


    "different from old school voice teaching"

    "Claudia is an excellent teacher!
    While I have a lot of problems in singing, she can always accurately discover the problem and the reason behind, and suggest good way to resolve the problem. The way she helps you discover your voice is different from old school voice teaching, which is good since it ensures your voice journey is really tailor-made and suits yourself. She really knows how to improve one's voice!"
    David Li




    "She is really geeky and passionate"

    " I had a couple of singing teachers in the past. But Claudia is the teacher most analytic that i had. She is really geeky and passionate about music and the body. She help me to be more conscious about the use of my body and to understand singing from a different place."
    Francisco Fernández Novella

    "the right amount of support and challenge"

    "I'm taking lessons from Claudia for about a year now and really enjoy every lesson I'm having. Claudia is such a kind, heart-warming person and creates a very personal experience. She always gives you the right amount of support and challenge, that you'll need to improve yourself with your voice. If anyone is thinking about getting singing lessons, I can only recommend her"
    Julian Jmlo

    "Her approach to singing is very thorough, even scientific"

    "Claudia is an excellent singing teacher. I can clearly see a huge improvement in my singing techniques. Her approach to singing is very thorough, even scientific. In the beginning she explained the theory behind singing, i.e. which parts of your body help you sing, how to control them properly, etc. This understanding has helped me a lot to progress faster. Claudia is always really helpful, she gives feedback and makes comments, but at the same time gives you space to make mistakes and explore your voice. Overall, I'm absolutely satisfied with the lessons and can definitely recommend them to anyone interested in singing!"
    Алиса Кириченко

    "It was a revelation for me. She's an expert in voice"

    "My daughter (7) and I both have lessons with Claudia. My daughter told me ' I love my singing class... I love learning how to write the notes and learning how the body works when you sing'. The kids group class is lovely, Claudia keeps them interested and having fun all the time. They learn so much more this way. They work on songs they like, singing together and alone, and even performing twice per year :) For myself, I've had problems with my voice for a long time and Claudia was the first teacher who could tell me what was physically going on. It was a revelation for me. She's an expert in voice, and on top of that she is so positive and energetic, its quite contagious :)"
    Jessica Morrison

    "She is very positive and enthusiastic"

    "I'm taking lessons with Claudia for about 8 months now and I can clearly see how much I've grown since then. She is very positive and enthusiastic, what makes the lessons very enjoyable. With her I learned that throat singing can be very harmful (I was doing this a looot before her lessons). She constantly remembers me not to control the air with the throat, how to balance the air and to work with vowels, etc. All those kind of things that I didn't pay attention to in the past, now I see how important they are. I still got a long way to go but I'm sure I will make it because I have Claudia, the best teacher in the world!"
    Maira Machado

    "She is fantastic at listening to your voice"

    "Claudia is such a wonderful singing teacher; through her deep understanding of the voice I feel that I am learning a truly healthy way of singing. She is fantastic at listening to your voice and understanding how the sound is created, to make sure you are singing in the correct way and to the best of your ability. I thoroughly enjoy her singing lessons, and look forward to them every week. She is an excellent teacher and creates an environment that makes you feel confident and comfortable to explore you voice. As I am interested in classical singing, Claudia´s knowledge of classical pieces has led me to sing beautiful pieces of music that I love and that suit my voice. I would encourage any singer to have lessons with Claudia, and I feel very fortunate and grateful to have her as my teacher"
    Rachel Butterworth

    "she guides you in the right direction"

    "I've been attending singing lessons with Claudia for a few months, and I couldn't be happier! She is a superb teacher, makes you realize the impossible is possible, she guides you in the right direction to know your body and how things work on a physical and psychological level for singing. Always happy, always cheerful, always adapting to the style and type of music you like to sing and helping you improve day by day. A truly wonderful experience for someone who wants to learn how to sing!"
    Jaime González Martínez

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    Phone: +34-629875189



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    You Tube

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    Engels en Spaans

    Inschrijving en betaling

    - Privélessen zijn inclusief een vrijblijvende gratis eerste les waarin we het niveau en het te volgen traject zullen bepalen.
    - Bij het pakket van 4 lessen in één maand moeten alle lessen gepland worden in dezelfde maand.
    - Bij het pakket van 12 lessen in drie maanden moeten alle lessen gepland worden in één van de volgende clusters:

    1. januari-februari-maart
    2. april-mei-juni
    3. september -oktober-november

    - Lespakketten dienen vooraf betaald te worden binnen de eerste vijf dagen van de maand


    Er geldt een afzegtermijn van minimaal 24 uur voor privélessen en duolessen.
    De gemiste les zal plaatsvinden op een andere dag en tijd in dezelfde maand, die we samen overeen zullen komen.
    Wanneer het lespakket 3 maanden vooruit wordt geboekt moet de gemiste les ingehaald worden binnen de termijn van deze drie maanden.
    Wanneer de les niet op tijd wordt afgezegd zal helaas het volledige lesgeld betaald moeten worden.

    Dit geldt alleen voor privélessen en duolessen. Groepslessen kunnen niet worden ingehaald.